Intelligent Buildings
Productivity in the Workplace
Occupant Well-being
Environmental Sensory Design
Post-occupancy Evaluation
Wireless Sensors in Buildings
Smart Homes
Land Securities
The core philosophy of this work is the systematic holistic design and management of buildings which are sustainable and healthy. This requires the integration of processes, products hence systems and people.
Building regulations are a basic requirement but creative design for inspiring the occupants yet with an architecture which is economical in use of resources has to aim much higher than this. However good the design the processes of construction and then operating the building have to be structured to be effective in realising the design potential too. The 21st century is one of rapid change technologically and socially and so our work has to keep evolving to embrace this. The education, training, research, writing and consultancy offered reflect this.
Over many years Derek has worked on projects as a consultant with Buro Happold; Oscar Fabers (now AECOM); Arup;Trox;JPMorgan and others. Projects has included offices, schools and homes. He specializes in strategic vision reports for companies and evaluating building performance for the benefit of occupants.